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Film about Chemical Sensitivity: THE BIRDS OF THE MINE – LOS PAJAROS DE LA MINA

On November 2009 I was interviewed on Carne Cruda, Spanish radio program, to talk about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and one of the listeners of the program, the videographer Víctor Moreno, was so impressed that he quickly contacted me to say that he wanted to make a short film about MCS to help us to raise […]


And in this decaying world, the worst is to be spineless and to have no personality. It is a world full of people who complain and who live grey and empty existences. People who do not have the courage to resist, to have their own thoughts and get dragged by the crowd. It is hard […]

A book about chemical sensitivity will become a radio series in the near future

When the book, “Missing. A Life Destroyed by Chemical Sensitivity” came into bookstores, the sales were surprisingly high. The author of this book, Eva Caballé is chemically sensitive and can exist only within the walls of her safe apartment. Several air filtering machines run day and night. She can tolerate only a few foods, and […]

Join the project “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity uncovered”

Photos requested for Collage about living with MCS A few days ago, Lola Vicente, a Spanish woman with MCS, shared an inspiring photo on Facebook. When I saw her picture I had the idea to make a collage with pictures of people with MCS to post it on NO FUN, because lately my blog is […]

Spanish Workgroup met with Ministry of Health to create a MCS Consensus Dokument

Carne Cruda gives the scoop on the meeting of the working group to create a document of consensus on the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Spain held in the Ministry of Health on April 21th 2010 “I’m your fan”. This was the title of the post in the blog of Carne Cruda, Spanish radio program, on […]